Providing effective leadership
The Board of Ferrexpo plc is responsible for setting the Group's objectives and policies, providing effective leadership and control required for a public company.
The Board has a formal schedule setting out the matters requiring Board approval and specifically reserved to it for decision. These include:
- Approving the Group strategy and budget;
- Annual and long-term capital expenditure plans;
- Contracts for more than a certain monetary amount;
- Monitoring financial performance and critical business issues;
- Approval of major projects and contract awards;
- Approval of key policies and procedures including dividend and treasury policies;
- Through the Committee of Independent Directors, monitoring and authorising related party transactions; and
- Oversight of the Group's decarbonisation programme and significant investments related to climate change.
The Board is chaired by Lucio Genovese (Non-executive Chair) and consists of one Executive Director, five further Independent Non-executive Directors and one Non-executive Director.
The Group has four formally-constituted Board committees: the Audit Committee, Nominations Committee, Remuneration Committee, and Health, Safety, Environment and Community ("HSEC") Committee. The Board meets at least four times a year.